He almost gave up the game ...
When I met Ray, he was in a pretty dark place.
Frustrated is an understatement ...
Putting words in Ray's mouth, I think he felt like his body was 'giving up' on him and his Golf Goals.
And he was almost ready to quit.
His body just couldn't do the things he needed it to do, in order for Ray to get to his Ultimate Handicap Goal.
The two main issues:
1- Through a seated desk job and various other circumstances Ray had managed to put on a fair bit of weight (easy to do ...)
2- An irritating lower back issue, which had been plaguing him for around 4 years, was causing his golf to be sporadic at best
Its easy to see how hard it is to chase your Ultimate Handicap Goal when ...
- You are carrying too much weight
- You are out of shape
- And when you can't get the consistent run of playing and practicing you need to see IMPROVEMENT due to PAIN or INJURY
Golf is hard enough as it is ...!!!
Fast forward around 5 months ...
Ray has achieved some AMAZING things:
- He has lost 20 kilos in around 5 months ...!!!!!
- His core is stronger than its ever been
- His glutes are functioning better than they ever have
- (in our original screen Ray really felt his lower back working 100% in our glute bridge assessment...not good!)
As you know, I don't sell magic pills and the truth is we still have some work to do with Ray's lower back ...
It's a lot better than it was, but we still have some stability milestones we need to get to ...
Rome wasn't built in a day right ...?
So what exactly worked for Ray ...?
Consistency and hard work.
No sugar coating this one -- he worked his butt off ...
The specifics:
- Alternating days of cardio interval training and a golf specific resistance program (5-6 days per week)
- A high protein smoothie for breakie, protein and veggies for lunch and dinner (fairly simple ...)
- And Ray understands and listens to his body now more than ever. If he needs extra rest, he takes it.
Great job mate ...!!!
Need RESULTS like Ray? Get started HERE > (CLICK Here to get your Introductory TPI Screening for FREE)
Andrew "Results First" Ransom, The Golf Fitness PT