Rory's doing it, so it's good right ...?
So I was scrolling through Instagram yesterday ...
And a photo from a certain R McIlroy pops up promoting his: 'The Power Club Workout' on the new Nike Training App ...
What did I do?
What any golf / fitness enthusiast would do ...
Wasted a bit more time, calling it 'research', and downloaded the app.
In the Instagram post Rory asks if you 'Think you are up for the challenge?' of 'The Power Club'.
Great marketing.
I immediately wanted to know what the workout was and I wanted to try it.
Trying to measure up ...?
Deep down, emotionally, I think there were two things going on:
1 - It seems logical that if it's Rory's 'golf fitness / power workout', and I do it enough, I will get somewhere near Rory's power numbers with my driver
2 - My EGO wanted to feel like I was a Tour Pro, doing Tour-Pro-type-things in the gym.
(The funny thing is, no two Tour Pro's workouts would be the same - more individualisation later)
But for your average Joe-Golfer, is this App, and 'The Power Club' workout a good service ...?
Will it help to shift that handicap that hasn't moved in the last 12 months ...?
(I feel your frustration!!!)
Will it get you hitting it out there past your longest-hitting friend ...?
Will it get rid of the back pain that is curtailing your practice sessions ...?
Unfortunately not.
To all three ...
Its a solid workout, don't get me wrong, and it would have you sweating in all the right places.
But the App lacks:
A - Individualisation
It can't screen YOU. It can't assess YOU.
It can't find out what YOUR physical issues are, how they are affecting YOUR golf swing and provide a road-map to correct them.
I can: Click here to request a complimentary Golf Fitness Consultation with Andrew. (In-person or via Skype. You choose.)
B - Accountability
The App won't be waiting for you in the gym like I will be.
Or on the other end of a video-catch-up call.
You know that feeling when your next golf lesson is coming up in a week so you put in extra work on the drills your coach gave you ...?
That's accountability.
Need some: Click here to request a complimentary Golf Fitness Consultation with Andrew. (In-person or via Skype. You choose.)
Individualisation and Accountability.
That's where true results come from.
Not one size fits all.
Head here:
Click here to request a complimentary Golf Fitness Consultation with Andrew. (In-person or via Skype. You choose.)
Andrew "One size fits one" Ransom, The Golf Fitness PT