Posts in Core Strength
Is this causing your back pain …? (S-Posture)

It's the most common 'pain/injury' complaints of golfers. And it can be super-frustrating for those who suffer regular bouts of it …

It restricts your ability to practice and to play. To get the 'repetitions' in that you need to improve ...

You guessed it. It's lower back pain.

And one of those most common causes of lower back discomfort in golfers is the lower crossed syndrome or 'S-Posture'.

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Should golfers lift weights ...?

You are probably aware of the Media v Golf Fitness battle that has flared at different times this year ...

In answer to my own subject line, Should golfers lift weights ...?, clearly, I give that a BIG YES.

And I'm just going to quickly summarise a few points from Dr Greg Rose's new article on the TPI site as to WHY I believe its important...

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What Happened To Corey (17th hole close out)

As you know, one of the toughest situations in Matchplay is to be one or two holes up, late in the back nine, playing an opponent who gets a few shots from you...

Trying to close it out. Not getting 'protective' but not making any 'mistakes'...

Your mind needs to be right.

And so does your body. Your fitness. Your endurance. Your stamina.


Find out how Corey got it right...

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How To Test Your Own Core Stability

If there is one thing that can significantly help, or seriously hurt your golf swing it is your core strength & stability. So how do you know how strong, or how weak your own core stabilisers are currently...? How do you know how 'at risk' you are for a back injury...? How do you know how much more potential you have to hit the ball further and straighter by increasing your core strength and stability...?

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A Guaranteed Way to Add Distance to Your Game

Research tells us that 54% of the power delivered to the shoulders and arms in the golf swing, is generated by the LEGS and the CORE! The CORE muscles connect the LEGS to the shoulders and arms. Therefore, the CORE helps to transfer and deliver the power generated by the LEGS to the shoulders and arms and then through to the golf ball.

Conclusion: in order to hit the ball further we need to improve the stability and strength in your LEGS and your CORE to generate more power, more club-head speed and out-drive your friends!

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