Posts in Driving Distance
What is Golf Fitness?

If you don’t know what ‘Golf Fitness’ actually is, how can you understand the array of BENEFITS it can have on your game?

And if you don’t understand the BENEFITS, why would you ever bother working on your body in an effort to improve your game?

Take this one step further, and I could argue that a lack of knowledge of what Golf Fitness is, is limiting the progression and improvement of thousands of golfers throughout Australia!!

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Should golfers lift weights ...?

You are probably aware of the Media v Golf Fitness battle that has flared at different times this year ...

In answer to my own subject line, Should golfers lift weights ...?, clearly, I give that a BIG YES.

And I'm just going to quickly summarise a few points from Dr Greg Rose's new article on the TPI site as to WHY I believe its important...

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How's Your Rotation ...??? (Try This Test)

The old 'X-Factor' article that gets churned out time and again ...

The general rule: you need to get more torso / shoulder rotation than you get hip rotation.

In other words, you need to SEPARATE your torso / shoulders from your hips ...

BUT... what if that's not physically possible for you at the moment ...?????

And how would you know whether it is or not...?????

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How To Test Your Own Core Stability

If there is one thing that can significantly help, or seriously hurt your golf swing it is your core strength & stability. So how do you know how strong, or how weak your own core stabilisers are currently...? How do you know how 'at risk' you are for a back injury...? How do you know how much more potential you have to hit the ball further and straighter by increasing your core strength and stability...?

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A Guaranteed Way to Add Distance to Your Game

Research tells us that 54% of the power delivered to the shoulders and arms in the golf swing, is generated by the LEGS and the CORE! The CORE muscles connect the LEGS to the shoulders and arms. Therefore, the CORE helps to transfer and deliver the power generated by the LEGS to the shoulders and arms and then through to the golf ball.

Conclusion: in order to hit the ball further we need to improve the stability and strength in your LEGS and your CORE to generate more power, more club-head speed and out-drive your friends!

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