Lessons from a swooping bird ...
I have a major swooping bird phobia …OK, there, I said it ...
"...My name is Andrew, The Golf Fitness PT and I'm scared of swooping birds..."
I feel like there should be a support group for people like me !!
I've been done by Magpies at various times over the years ...
And I've also had a run-in or two with a pair of Plovers ,,. both on a golf course ...
And so of course, as the Universe works, there is a particularly aggressive Magpie specimen that nests very close to our studio each year ...
I'm sure he's been put there to teach me a lesson. To help me work on this issue I have ...
He tends to leave walkers alone but if you are on two wheels with no motor he spots you from a mile off and prepares his best 'swoop and snap' ...
He got me out of the blue two Fridays ago ...I didn't even realise it was 'that time of year' yet ...!!!
'Swoop and snap'.
Scared the cr*p out of me ...
But I still enjoy riding my bike to work and want to continue ...
What to do ...?
Anyway, it got me thinking ...
About how we RESPOND in the face of a ROADBLOCK.
It's a very similar situation to one you might encounter with any Golf Fitness Goal.
There are always going to be things in life that 'swoop in' and, if we let them, could de-rail our progress towards our goals ...
Say it's weight-loss and more back-nine endurance that you are after ...
- A colleague brings a massive cake into work ...swoop!
- Your partner has had a hard day and wants to splurge on Fish and Chips early in the week (you know its all downhill from here ...) ...swoop!
- You get called into a meeting at the same time that you should be at the gym ...swoop!
However ...
Its all about how we RESPOND to these ROADBLOCKS ...
What did I do?
(I could have quit riding for the spring-time …)
I read a few articles about how they aren't really that dangerous...
And then planned a different route …!
Bingo! No swoop!
When a ROADBLOCK turns up, what are YOU going to do …?
Make PLAN to get around the ROADBLOCK.
Or you can keep doing the same thing ...
getting swooped,
and getting knocked back further away from your goals ...
Let me help you make a PLAN HERE: > Click here to request a complimentary Golf Fitness Consultation with Andrew. (In-person or via Skype. You choose.)
Andrew "Bird-Phobic" Ransom, The Golf Fitness PT