The "fitness" difference between the pros and amateurs

Happy Monday.

So last week I was driving to work listening to my favourite Golf Fitness podcast (of course, right!?) ...

Catching up on some 'golf fitness gossip'.

Checking in with what other Golf Fitness Professionals around the world are doing. What's working, what's not.

When I almost had to pull over and write this lesson down !!!

It was so profound and yet so simple.

A simple difference with far-reaching consequences ...

The question that was posed (and I'm sure we all want the answer):

"What do professional golfers do fitness-wise that is so different from your average amateur ..."

Keep reading to find out.

So the interview was with Lance Gill.

Lance is Co-Director of the Titleist Performance Institute Advisory Board.

(If you haven't checked out the TPI website or what the Titleist Performance Institute are doing in the Golf Fitness world you are missing out on tonnes of critical information that can help your game. Head here:

Any who.

Lance is a Big Cheese in the world of Golf Fitness, bio-mechanics and correcting movement patterns in golfers.

So there are plenty of 'golf nuggets' of great Golf & Fitness info in the interview.

Check out the whole interview HERE:

Back to the question.

Towards the end, Lance gives us a “fitness” difference between the pros and amateurs that you probably haven’t heard before.

Wait for it ...

The pros walk 6-8 miles per day, 6 days per week.

Practicing and playing. Working out. Other general activity.

That's between 9.5 & 13 kms per day !!!

Lance works with these guys. So he knows.

Compare this to the average sedentary person who would be lucky to hit 1.5 kms per day.

Imagine the differences in these areas:

  • Back Pain - less sitting = better posture and better flexibility. Plus the action of walking keeps important 'golf muscles' such as your glutes, active and strong.


  • Endurance - there goes your back 9 fade! Heck you could play another 18 holes easily if you were walking that much each week!


  • Health - there are a multitude of health benefits that stem from walking more including reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. improved management of conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, joint and muscular pain or stiffness, and diabetes


  • Mental Health & Reduced Stress - walking does much more than work the area underneath your neck. It also has extensive cognitive benefits, improving memory in seniors, cognitive control and academic performance in pre-adolescents, and (when done outdoors) boosting creativity & lowering stress hormone levels.

Pretty simple.

Better body. Better golf. Better health. Better mental health.

Start walking more today.

Then add in the other bits the pros are doing by going HERE.

Click here to request a complimentary Golf Fitness Consultation with Andrew. (In-person or via Skype. You choose.)


Andrew "Off for a long walk in nature" Ransom, The Golf Fitness PT